I link to the survey in my blogs which are like my daily warm ups for each class. Students know to go to my blog first thing after they log in. (I link to my blog in my classroom website and have students bookmark it.) I use Google's product Blogger which is in your apps.
These are in preview mode because I haven't published these POSTS to my blogs yet! What's nice about a blog is you can write a whole week of warm ups (posts) ahead of time as drafts, then publish them each morning when you want them.
In the survey, I ask students about their Facebook or Instagram accounts because if they can get on to these accounts, then they have access to tech where they can do homework or access content I'd like for them to review.
Here's the link to my survey so you can check it out. Please don't take the survey as it is for the kids. Haha.
What's nice about Google Forms (which is the Google App in Drive that I used to make this survey) is that you can get a summary of responses in a graph format.